Friday, April 12, 2013

How To Live Healthy: An Essential Guide To Self Care

Healthy living is about more than diet and exercise. A truly healthy life means living healthy mentally, emotionally and physically. Taking care of your mind and body reduces stress and minimizes emotional and physical injury, boosts mood and creativity, increases focus and nurtures a happy life.
Practicing regular self care can positively effect your life and your career. At work you will be more alert, communicate more effectively, discover better solutions and handle stress with greater ease.
I realized I needed to write an article about self care to remind myself of the many benefits of taking care of me. I’ve been so busy with so many different activities, I wore myself out! I knew I needed a refresher on self care when I missed two appointments on my calendar- an extremely rare occurrence for me. When I practice self care, I am happier, more peaceful and more successful in my career.
So it’s back to basics, and while I revisit my own best health tips, I hope to inspire you. There are as many different ways to healthy living as there are people. No one set of guidelines is right for everyone, and I encourage you to try what feels comfortable to you.
Take time for yourself.
Take some time for yourself every day. Give yourself at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to do something just for you. Take a bath, read a book, listen to your favorite tunes. Whatever you do, do it for you!
Spend time with people you love.
On the flip-side of taking time for yourself is spending time with family and friends. Spend ten minutes genuinely engaging another person. Look them in the eye, and share something great about your day.
Get hugged.
I love hugs and will hug just about anyone. Want a hug? Just ask! A warm hug offers comfort and releases tension. Don’t limit your hugs to people- hug a dog, hug a cat, hug a stuffed animal or pillow.
Eat when you’re hungry, and only when you’re hungry. If you can, choose to eat something that will fuel your body with the good stuff. Eat at least one fruit or vegetable. You can do it!
Move your body.
Get up and get going. Go for a walk, stretch your body, take a deep breath, do yoga, ride a bike, dance in your pajamas- whatever you do, just get your body moving. It feels good, doesn’t it?
Give a compliment.
Look at someone you admire, or someone you don’t, and give them a genuine compliment. We’re all great at something, so find that greatness in others and share it. Trust me, you’ll feel great!
Live one day at a time.
Let tomorrow’s concerns be managed tomorrow, and yesterday’s concerns remain in the past. Live for today!
Stay hydrated.
Drinking water has a million benefits and that’s a scientific fact. Okay, maybe not a million scientific benefits, but if you stay hydrated you’ll feel like a million bucks! If you’re not the type to carry a re-usable water bottle around with you, try drinking at least one glass of water with every meal.
Check two items off your to-do list.
Take care of at least one important task in your work and at least one important task in your personal life each day. Enjoy the sense of accomplishment from getting something done.

Be pleasant.
Practice courtesy and kindness today. Smile at a stranger. Make way for another person in your path. This may sound like it will benefit someone else, but I promise it will benefit you!
Get enough sleep.
Get to bed earlier than you need to go to sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, avoid the glow of your cell phone, computer or tv screen at least a half hour before bed. Stretch your body and take some deep breaths to clear your mind before bed. You’ll be glad you did.
Have an attitude of gratitude.
Be grateful for life today. Say, “thank you”. Make a gratitude list. Find something beautiful in your life and hold on to the thought of that beauty.
Let go.
Let go of any burdens you’ve been carrying. Think a kind thought for someone that frustrates you. If you find yourself clenching your teeth or tightening your shoulders, take a breath and let go.
Speak up and shut up.
Say what you need to say, but say it only once. Allow space for others to speak. In short, speak up when you need to and shut up when you need to.
Be happy.
Choose to be happy. Abraham Lincoln said, “most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
Be uniquely you.
Honor your truth and be uniquely you!
Try one thing on this list today.
Which tip will you try today?

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